
Insurance Cover

Fixed cover (known as ‘Level Term Assurance’): Your cash lump sum value remains the same over the term of the plan. Designed to help protect an interest only mortgage.

Insurance Cover

Income Protection

Although many people think ‘It’ll never happen to me’, illnesses and accidents happen every day to perfectly ordinary people. Statutory sick pay is only a safety net, so unless that’s enough for you to live on, you’d soon be drawing on your savings or struggling with the bills.

Income Protection

Protection Options

You apply for the level of benefit you would want to receive each month, based on your current earnings. This plan has no cash-in value at any time.

Protection Options

ASU Cover

Accident, Sickness and Unemployment Cover (ASU) is designed to cover the cost of your mortgage payments in the event that an accident, sickness or unemployment stops you from working.

ASU Cover

Building Contents

Here at The Mortgage Hub we offer advice and a comprehensive service for anyone looking for buildings and contents insurance in North Devon. Our highly experienced staff can point you in the right direction when it comes to getting house insurance quotes in Barnstaple, Bideford, Braunton and beyond.

Building Contents

Your home is at risk if you do not keep up
repayments on your mortgage.